

The Jungle Alliance is a platform for gym owners and coaches who want to elevate the standard of coaching and movement in the fitness industry. 

It’s for those who refuse to sell out to commercial-fitness enterprises, and believe that independently operated gyms have the power to enhance global health. 


We believe that through collaboration, our greatest positive impact on humanity can be made. We aim to support those who share our beliefs by supporting their business success and connecting them with our community. 


If you agree with the following statements, let us help you in your quest – apply to join the Jungle Alliance today:


  • I train a combination of resistance, bodyweight strength and mobility and believe this is the most effective way to develop well-rounded physicality.

  • I believe the best training method is constantly evolving.

  • I hold myself to the highest standard in coaching and life.

  • I believe small gyms have the power to enhance global health.

  • I’m open to personal evolution.

  • I’m not affiliated with any other fitness franchise or brand.

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