#29: Check-in on Paul & Joey’s Training

Joey and Paul get into a chat around their own training at the moment, including their current focus in their strength and mobility work, as well as BJJ and Muay Thai training.

#28: Stronger Is Better: Why Strength is Important with Clint Hill

We sit down with Clint Hill to get the low down on strength, and why it’s so damn important for all humans – from the every day human, through to elite athletes. Clint has a double masters degree in Human Biomechanics and Strength and Conditioning, is a ASCA Level 3 professional coach, an ASCA lecturer, a PT mentor and a coach to many.We go deep on the strength subject, dispelling myths and attempting to find the simplest approach to getting strong. He also rips into Joey which is well worth the listen alone! Enjoy

#27: Vanquish Your Inner Critic and Self-Limiting Beliefs

Kareem has 4 years of study under his belt in Organisational Psychology and currently works in a psychiatric hospital. He’s also a long standing JB tribe member.We discuss his journey in dealing with his own inner-critic, exploring it from both a personal and scientific perspective.

#26: Maintain Training During The Dead Of Winter

Winter is a notoriously challenging time of year to muster up the motivation to train. The boys talk their top strategies for staying consistent, inspired, and beastly over the colder months

#25: Muscle, Strength and Personal Training With Chad Rogers

We catch up with Chad Rogers to discuss his experiences as a personal trainer building big, strong humans.

#24: Enjoy Becoming a Goal-Digger This Year

Goal setting. We all know we should do it, but how do we actually do it? We lay down a simple format we use that has evolved over time into something that’s simple, exciting and brutally effective

#23: How To Be A Beast Over The Holidays… 5 Simple Rules

Christmas time is here, and with it – good food, some drinks, sunburn, and annoying uncles.

Typically this time of year presents a problem for the standard gym-goer… Like most things, we JBs think that’s a load of BS.

We have 5 simple rules we use to retain beast-status over the holidays and return to the gym feeling refreshed, enthused and still lean and strong.

Enjoy fam!

#22: Getting Better Results In The Gym Through Down-Regulation

Joey chats with John Marsh a man who’s deeply passionate about helping humans optimise their life through meditation and mindfulness. He’s an interesting feller, having been an Aerospace Engineer, Strength Coach, and Gym Owner. We discuss down-regulation, central nervous system, breathing and meditation. A very worthwhile listen for those who feel like they might benefit from a little more exercise of the mind

#21: Learn How Your Mental Health Benefits Physical Gains

Is your mental health stopping you from making gains? Are you giving it the same love and attention you give to your physical health? Is your approach to physical health having negative effects on your mental health? Or is someone close to you struggling with their mind set and your not quite sure how to help a brother or sister in need?

To honour mental health week, our very own psychologist and pain management specialist Anna McDonald sheds light on an otherwise taboo subject.

#20: How Training Makes Us Better Humans

We catch up with the motivational powerhouse and monster of positivity – James ‘Tenacity’ Tomlinson. This Melbourne-based human is an elite-Level Strength and Conditioning Coach, Taekwondo black belt, BJJ black belt, and a hell of a guy. We pick his brain on training, living a healthy lifestyle, and being the best damn version of yourself that you can be