Not All Training Goals Are Created Equal

As hotshot PT recruits it’s drilled into us to always ask our client what their goal is. It wasn’t until someone pointed out why this question is redundant, that I stopped asking it… Enjoy! Own your own Jungle Alliance Gym Follow Joey Follow Pauly Play in new window | Download

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How Fight Lift Move Evolved

Don’t sleep on this one… COACHES COURSE THIS MONTH! February 24-25 at Jungle Ballina This is the course for those who want to work in our gyms, and become leaders in the fitness game. Get 20% off when you enroll before the 21st! Use the code LETSGO at checkout CLICK HERE TO ENROLL   We… Continue reading How Fight Lift Move Evolved

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You Don’t Have Systems And That’s Why You’re Struggling

“If you couldn’t go to work tomorrow and as a result your gym couldn’t operate, you don’t have a business” – hearing this was a pivotal moment for a 30 year old gym manager Joey. It would take many years still for me to truly heed the lesson therein. Having clear Systems and Processes for… Continue reading You Don’t Have Systems And That’s Why You’re Struggling

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Exercise Progression: Our Approach To Scaling Strength & Movement Training

Scaling an exercise is pretty simple when strength is the goal. More weight. Less weight. But what about mobility work, or body-weight training..? Is scaling weight still the answer? Or is it range? Perhaps change the drill altogether? In this episode Paul and I break down the JA approach to this, starting with the first… Continue reading Exercise Progression: Our Approach To Scaling Strength & Movement Training

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Why Being a Foodie Is Not All Gravy

We were supposed to talk about the past weekends Coaches Intensive (sensational, I might add) but got hung up on Sydney food culture and cafe scene. Take it from a couple of foodies who also like to stay in shape. Play in new window | Download

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The JA Origin Story

Pauly and I sit down to reminisce on how this thing started. We go back to our days in the film industry, when Tee had the wild idea to leave it and open a gym together. Moving through the years in a dingy park in the city, through to acquiring our first gym on the… Continue reading The JA Origin Story

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Joey’s Discovery During His First Visit To Jungle Cabarita Beach

A couple of things caught me off-guard on this trip. But I can honestly say that had zero to do with the gym itself or the general vibe around the place. Although it was my first time in there, I felt like I was at home… I did learn something else, though… Follow Jungle Cabarita… Continue reading Joey’s Discovery During His First Visit To Jungle Cabarita Beach

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When Joey Drank The Movement Kool-Aid

Going deep on a particular training methodology is a rite of passage for any young coach. The danger is when we stick around this tasty fountain of truth for too long and neglect to look outside of where we’re at. Every culture has it’s dogmas, and if we want to develop a balanced perspective on… Continue reading When Joey Drank The Movement Kool-Aid

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The Evolution Of Our Coaches Intensive

Like everything in our biz, our coaches course has changed over the years. We see this as both an inevitability, and an imperative. As we gain new information, learn more, gather more experience, things must evolve. I’m excited to facilitate next weekends Coaches Intensive. This course is something I’ve been closely involved in since day… Continue reading The Evolution Of Our Coaches Intensive

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The 9 Class Coaching Must Do’s

ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT TO GET 20% OFF 🔥 Learn our training methodology, the JB philosophy, and the skill sets required to work in our gyms at the Coaches Intensive. October 21-22, 2023 Our Foundational Movements Patterns, including Bodyweight, Weightlifting, Movement and Conditioning How to coach with authority and become a leader in your space… Continue reading The 9 Class Coaching Must Do’s

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